Salesforce LWC: Generic Lightning Datatable using Lightning Web Component
Today in this blog we will go though generic Lightning Data Table using Lightning Web Component.
Using below code user can show data of any object in Salesforce Org.
Below is the HTML code where we have used lightning-datatable standard lightning web component. In this component we are passing two values.
1. columns: List of columns which needs to be added in table.
2. finalData: this is the list of data which needs to be displayed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | <template> <div style="height: 300px;"> <lightning-datatable key-field="Id" data={finalData} columns={columns} hide-checkbox-column=true> </lightning-datatable> </div> </template> |
Now in Java Script file we need to handle the data which will be sent by its parent component.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc'; import dataTableContent from '@salesforce/apex/GenericDataTableHandler.getAllAccountData'; export default class GenericDataTableLWC extends LightningElement { _allRecords = []; @track columns = []; @api get columnvalue(){}; set columnvalue(value){ let columnValues = value; if(columnValues !== undefined){ this.columns = value; } } @api get genericData(){} set genericData(value){ this._allRecords = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); } @api get finalData(){ let allrecords = []; for(let i = 0; i < this._allRecords.length; i++){ let rowData = this._allRecords[i]; let row = rowData; row.Id = rowData.Id; for(let col in this.columnValues){ if(col.fieldName != 'Id'){ row[col.fieldName] = rowData[col.fieldName]; } } allrecords.push(row); } return allrecords; } } |
Now when we use this above lightning web component as child component of other LWC or aura component then we need to pass two tings to this Lightning Data Table component:
1. columns: Column values will be passing in form of Map where key will be Field API name and Value will be the Column name in data table.
2. data: data will be the list of records or filtered record based on some criteria.
Example: Below example explains how to use above component:
Lets use this Lightning data table in one of our Component:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | <template> <lightning-card variant="Narrow" title="Reusable Lightning Datatable" icon-name="standard:customer_portal_users"> <lightning-button label="Load Table" slot="actions" onclick={loadData}></lightning-button> <div class="slds-p-around_x-small"> <c-generic-data-table columnvalue={columns} generic-data={accountData}></c-generic-data-table> </div> </lightning-card> </template> |
Now as you can see there are 2 attribute passed from this parent component to child component (Lightning Data Table component).
Its controller will look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | import { LightningElement, api} from 'lwc'; import columnName from '@salesforce/apex/GenericDataTableHandler.getAllColumns'; import dataTableContent from '@salesforce/apex/GenericDataTableHandler.getAllAccountData'; export default class ParentCmpHoldingDataTable extends LightningElement { @api columns; @api accountData = []; loadData(event){ columnName().then(result => { let columnData = [] for (let key in result) { columnData.push({ label : result[key], fieldName : key }) } this.columns = columnData; }).catch(error => { window.alert(error); }); dataTableContent().then(response => { this.accountData = response; }).catch(error => { window.alert(error); }); } } |
So in controller of this parent component we are calling Apex class, which will provide the Column details and data for the table and below is the Apex class which is passing data to Lightning Web Component:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | public with sharing class GenericDataTableHandler { @AuraEnabled public static Map<String, String> getAllColumns(){ Map<String, String> allColumnMap = new Map<String, String>(); allColumnMap.put('Name', 'Account Name'); allColumnMap.put('Website', 'Account Website'); allColumnMap.put('Phone', 'Account Phone'); allColumnMap.put('CreatedDate', 'Account Created on'); return allColumnMap; } @AuraEnabled public static List<Account> getAllAccountData(){ return [Select Id, Name, Website, Phone, CreatedDate from Account LIMIT 100]; } } |
If you see above class, there are two methods used. One is sending list of Column and other one is sending data to LWC.
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