Salesforce LWC: Lightning Data Service - What, Why, When and Which?
Today in this topic we will understand about Lightning Data Service in Lightning Web Component. At the end of this topic we will able to determine below points: What is Lightning Data Service? Why to use Lightning Data Service? When to use Lightning Data Service? Which Lightning Data Service to use? What is Lightning Data Service? From Salesforce Documentation- Lightning Data Service is centralised data caching framework, which is use to load, create, update and delete the data in Salesforce without Salesforce Server side Apex Code. Why to use Lightning Data Service? Below are the few reasons of using Lightning Data Service in Lightning Web Component: No need of additional apex code to get data by making additional server side call. Lightning Data Service supports Sharing Rule and Field Level Security. Because of not writing additional Apex Class code, it will improve component's performance. It cache the result locally on Client Side. It supports all standard and cus...